View of San Sebastien del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mascota, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Where are we now?

A year ago, our daughter and her husband bought a house in the village of Osgoode, Ontario.

The village is located 37 kms (23 miles) south of downtown Ottawa, the capitol city of Canada. The greater Osgoode area has a population of about 2,500 people, although legally it is now part of the the city of Ottawa.

We're close to the United States border. Did you know that 80% of Canada's population lives within 100 miles of the U.S. border?

Osgoode, Ontario.

We are really close to the U.S. border,...only 60 kms (36 miles) from Ogdensburg, New York!

We're here until November 1st, and we'll be sharing our time between here and Ruth's father's place west of Ottawa. We've decided that Sherman (our motorhome) will stay here at Lindsey's until next year at this time. We'll fly back to Saskatchewan at the end of April.

Lindsey came and picked us up at Ruth's dad's place and we came back to Osgoode. I had a fairly quiet day, but Ruth managed to go out with a couple of girls that she worked with 30 years ago. Lindsey went with her, just for an evening out.

Lindsey and Ruth, out for dinner.

Ruth, with Mecki and Judith. They worked together about 30 years ago!

Back at the house later that night, Lindsey was making Cameron's lunch for school. Even though they live right across the street from the school yard, school rules say that no student is allowed to go home for lunch. Hmph. Things have sure changed since I went to school!

I'll bet that's the healthiest lunch of the bunch for a five year old!

A bit drizzly out there this morning, but we're headed out for a walk anyhow.

The Coleman instant shade canopy is on deal of the day today...

And in Canada, a selection of kids Halloween costumes are on today only...


  1. Enjoy your family time before your departure.

    1. We are getting lots of family time and enjoying every minute of it!

  2. That header picture is one of my favourites.

  3. That's insane! When I was a kid, you could not stay at school for had to go home.

  4. That is a great looking lunch! Very healthy.

    1. Yep, it sure is great looking and healthy! The whole family eats very healthy.

  5. I have heard that some kids exchange parts of their lunch with classmates!

    1. Apparently that doesn't happen very often anymore because there are so many allergies. Also, apparently it's not called "lunch"'s nutrition break! Oh my...

  6. The photo of Lindsey and Ruth is excellent.
    I never knew a five year old would eat edamame...that is what that green been is isn't it?

    1. No, the green vegetable is the picture is snap peas! Cameron likes just about every fruit and vegetable out there so he would probably eat edamame as well.

  7. Sorry, nutrition break just doesn't sound as fun as lunch! We had a school cafeteria in primary until I was in the seventh grade and they closed it. Bag lunch was good though. Made with a lot of love.

    1. Agreed! Most primary schools in Canada NEVER had a cafeteria, even when Kevin and I were young. I took a bus to school so we had to brown bag our lunches and Kevin went home for lunch. Our high school had a cafeteria though.

  8. Looking at your map, I see Kingston. That's where our family/friends from Brazil moved to recently. They love their new home in Canada!

    1. Kingston is only 2 hours away from Ottawa. It is where we spent 1 1/2 years at, between May 1, 2009 and October 15th or so, 2010. It is a nice small city, I am glad that they love it there. I hope you make it up there to visit them some day soon.

  9. I never had a school lunch that good, maybe that explains the way I turned out? :c)

    Lovely header picture!

    1. Neither did I! Looks like you still turned out fine. :-)


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