The beach at Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mosquito control

This has been a bad year for mosquitoes at our particular campground. And if there's one thing that drives me nuts, it's mosquitoes! So I would normally be inside where it's comfortable, instead of outside with the bugs. However I think we have found a decent solution to the problem.

Thanks to our blogging friends Karen and Steve we bought a Thermacell mosquito repellant lantern a month or so ago. We've now used it a few times so it's time for a user report from someone who can't stand moquitoes.

So you open the box, and screw a little butane cartridge into the unit. Then, you open another packet that contains the repellant pad. You light the tiny flame that heats the pad, releasing the poison. Yes, it is a pesticide, and it does actually kill the little buggers within about a 15 sq foot area.

I sat out with the neighbour the first time I used it, and the mosquitoes were BAD. You're supposed to light this thing a half hour in advance of sitting outside to let it take effect, but this time we didn't. However, on an evening where I would normally have been driven indoors, I think I only got three bites the whole time. I was impressed!

The bugs have since gone away a little bit, and now when I light this thing and use it, there are no mosquitoes to be had. Very impressed, and you don't have to spray on bug stuff. Also, when using it at night, the flame gives off a little bit of useful light.

The only downside is that you have to buy replacement pads and cartridges, but so far they seem to both last a long time. We will be taking extras to Mexico with us, although there aren't normally too many problems with bugs down there.


  1. I remembered reading about them on Karen and Steve's blog also, but had forgotten. Thanks for the reminder and review! I need to get them.

  2. I need some too! have to check out where I can get me some!!!

  3. Wild Blue Yonder...You can get them at Walmart and Canadian Tire. We got ours at Canadian Tire on Sale for $16.95, only because they price matched Walmart's sale price and then gave us an extra 10 discount and Canadian Tire money as well.

    If Kevin finds a difference with it, then you know it works! I have never met somebody who hates mosquitoes as much as him.

    Kevin and Ruth

  4. Heh heh "Told Ya So!"

    We had ours going last weekend too and it's amazing how good they work.

    Best part is that the grandbabies don't need anything slathered on their skin that can get into their mouths. Plus no icky bug sprays in your hair or on your pillow when you go to bed at night!

    Glad you like them! Refill kits in larger quantities can be bought too at larger stores like Cabellas or Gander Mountain. Each pad lasts about 6 hours and we store them back in the foil wrapper if they have not burned the full 6 hours, to reuse them again.

    Here is the blog I wrote about them:

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  5. Thanks again Karen. We agree with you on the icky bug sprays and having the sprays on your body, making you feel yucky and smelly.

    Thank you also for the info on where to buy the bigger refill packs, we will look for them as we travel through the States this fall.

    Kevin and Ruth


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