View from Arneside Knott Viewpoint near Arnside, Cumbria, England.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Albania on June 11th!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Campground complaints

Fortunately, we haven't received too many complaints. Thinking about it from a camper or customer point of view, I'm trying to think if there is anything that would be a common complaint about a campground.

Most complaints I can think of would be something general about the campground itself. Like maybe the sites are too close together. Or a common one we hear and read about regarding "RV Park" type campgrounds is the lack of decent internet.

So I went to our monthly Board meeting last night to bring up any issues and discuss any problems. And, I heard about three complaints.

Friday, July 12, 2013

A little more thrilled...

When I mentioned yesterday that I wasn't "thrilled" with our new camera, it's mostly because I hadn't really tried it out yet!

So yesterday when I went in to town, I brought the camera with me for any possible photo opportunities.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

New camera!

Ruth went in to town to go grocery shopping and picked us up a new camera at the same time.

I had seen it on sale at Future Shop (owned by Best Buy) and it was reservable in store so I had made a reservation online.

I posted a couple of weeks ago that I was looking at either the Canon SX50 or the Nikon P510.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Namibia trip update!

Okay, so we think we've got things worked out with our tour operator in Namibia.

As you know, our prize had included a one week ground tour taking in the major sites. They were putting us up in some pretty fancy places and with some nice meals included. But we really wanted to do some camping and RV'ing in Africa! So we asked if they would switch things up for us and they agreed!

So here's what we've got worked out...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Holiday Resort in the U.K.

Here's a fun opportunity for summer holiday time in the U.K.

Butlin's Resorts operates three family holiday camps located on some of England's most beautiful beaches.

What's it like being a campground manager?

Boy, we're half way through already. Approximately.

Here we are at July 9th. Our contract here runs from May 1 to September 30, so while that's a full five months, they said that it's entirely possible that we'll be out of here sometime between September 15th and the 30th depending on what the weather is doing at the time.

Monday, July 8, 2013


Okay, two things to share with you today. First up, the winners from our magazine contest last week!

We are so happy that many of our regular readers were able to win! And you picked some great magazine subscriptions!

Here's the list of winners ...

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Have you been on a cruise?

It's a little strange that we have never been on a cruise ship together.

When we were younger and had a normal working lifestyle, we used to do one week "all inclusive" getaways south to places like Cuba and Dominican Republic. One of the reasons was that we could get a good deal. Airfare, meals, booze...all included in the one price you pay, and it was so easy.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

What do you think about ads?

We've received at least four offers for advertising here in the last couple of weeks. Five maybe.

Our popularity is growing and the internet shares this popularity with whoever wants to know via websites such as So as we become more popular, advertisers start to notice.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday, already!

Wow, the weeks are just flying by. That's what happens when you're busy I guess!

We never did really tell you about our Canada day long weekend. Surprisingly, the campground was not sold out. But it was certainly busy!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

This Namibia trip keeps getting better!

But before we get to that, there's something I've been meaning to post about for a while.

Our regular readers know that we've spent a lot of time at Hacienda Contreras RV Park near the town of Valle de Juarez in Jalisco, Mexico.

Well things are changing down there. And although it's not really better for the people who love to go there, it's better for the people who owned the park, our friends Barb and Sal. And that's what counts.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

June Expenses

First of all, before we get to the expenses, a comment about this Namibia trip.

What an absolutely unbelievable week they have planned for us! They've organized a 7 day "self drive" tour where they give us a 4x4 vehicle and we do our own driving to see the highlights, staying at fantastic lodges along the way and in some of the National Parks including game safaris and a scenic 1 1/2 hour flight over the "Skeleton Coast". When it's all confirmed, I'll share the details with you all! All we can say!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

First ten people will win.

Okay folks, here it is.

The first ten people to leave a comment below will win. The big question is, what will you win???

Monday, July 1, 2013

Contest...Tuesday morning!!

Just a reminder about our contest happening right here tomorrow (Tuesday) morning!

Ten of our readers will win! Here's how to try and be a winner...

A Happy Ending.

Well, we had another "situation" yesterday that threw our schedule off a little bit.

Day two of the Canada Day long weekend here. So, still really busy, another nice day, beach is packed with day use users, campground full, pancake breakfast at the restaurant, people renting canoes and paddle boats. You know, just enough to keep us busy. (So busy that we never took any photos!)