Nice sunset view as we pass over London, England, on our way to Albania.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Shkodra, Albania.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Hiking the Peaks of the Balkans, June 13-24!

Friday, November 30, 2018

Breaking news!

So we're sitting at the computers last night, and I see a flight deal highlighted on my facebook feed.

Any of our long time readers know that we are suckers for a good flight deal. Whenever we fly anywhere, we want to be the people on the plane who paid the least amount of money!

We took a look at this one... and after a five minute decision making process... we booked it!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Getting ready for Mexico

Well, this is an enthusiastic group! Seven of our eight rigs are here. Just waiting for Garth and his Trek motorhome. I know he was having some brake work done before arriving here. And again, he doesn't have to be here until Friday afternoon.

But everyone else is here early, and very excited about our trip. So are we!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

We made it!

And holy cow, that was a lot of driving over the last five weeks! I love driving, but even I am due for a break. In fact, we purposely drove a few extra miles the last couple of days in order to get to the Mission West RV Resort a little early so we could stay in one spot for a while!

We've got five nights in one place!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Another winning casino stop

Back on the road yesterday morning, and headed for the Kickapoo Indian Casino just south of Eagle Pass. This was actually where we had planned on spending the night when we cut our driving day short because of the wind.

But we decided to stop in there anyhow, even though it was a very short detour to do so.

Monday, November 26, 2018

A good day, but we didn't make it very far!

Slept fine outside the Judge Roy Bean visitors center in Langtry, Texas. It's a pretty sleepy little town that hasn't grown much since the time the Judge died in 1903!

The visitors center opens at 8:00am every day of the year. It's actually run by the Texas Department of Transportation as a highway rest stop, even though it's well off the main highway.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Ruth goes sand sledding!

We hit the road at a decent hour yesterday, not sure of how far we would make it. With a full fresh water tank, and empty waste holding tanks we said a silent thank you to the town of Jal for the totally free RV sites at Jal City Park and we headed out, making our way southeast into Texas.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

A nice day with no driving

Woke up yesterday morning to the sound of birds singing... lots and lots of birds singing! They are here at sundown, and again at sunrise. Wonder where they go at other times. There are thousands of them! They are common grackles.

And then we spent the day working on Sherman. We never left the park!

Friday, November 23, 2018

Sherman is at the spa!

When we woke up yesterday morning, we were shrouded in fog! We had originally planned on getting up and doing some driving right away, but it made more sense to stay put until the fog burned off.

We got under way around 9:30am, and headed towards Jal, New Mexico.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Visiting with the aliens, and inside the caves!

Busy day yesterday! Slept fine in the Home Depot parking lot in Roswell, and then topped up the gas at $2.36 USD a gallon ($0.83 CAD per liter).

Then, the reason we came to Roswell... we were off to the U.F.O. Museum.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Valley of Fires and on to Roswell, New Mexico

We ended up doing a little more distance than originally planned. We had totally forgot about Thanksgiving Thursday being a holiday here in the U.S., and we had planned on visiting Carlsbad Caverns on Thursday. So the choice was to do that either Wednesday (today) or Friday.

But Friday is Black Friday and I have some work to do that day on my Facebook Amazon Deals Group. So we need to get to Carlsbad Caverns today!