View of San Sebastien del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Sebastian del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Three weeks to go!

Actually, three weeks less a day. Until we get to see our grandkids. And our kids, and my mom and Ruth's dad, and some of our friends. Really looking forward to seeing everybody, despite the fact that it's going to be a very short visit.

Our daughter Lindsey posted a picture on facebook this morning, and it sure made us realize how fast time goes by.

The grandkids are growing so quickly!

Sadie (2) with big brother Cameron (4 1/2).

This year, the annual get together with a group of friends I've known since I was 16 is taking place at a cottage the group of us have rented near Lyndhurst, Ontario.

Lyndhurst, Ontario. Just a few miles from upstate New York.

Our rental "cottage" is a 4,200 sq foot home on a lake with pool table, pontoon boat, fishing, campfire pit, and a bunch of other stuff to keep a bunch of guys busy for a weekend away to relive their teenage years. It's going to be a great weekend away!

I missed the get together last year, so I'm really looking forward to this one.

We fly out from Regina on Thursday, October 1st and return on Monday October 5th. 

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- has changed things around to make it even easier to find a great deal. And we love to find great deals.

Go to the deals page where it shows  All Amazon Deals

You'll see on the left hand side a "Department" listing. Click on the department that you're interested in, and look for a great deal!!

Here in Canada, there's a fantastic deal on a Garmin GPS. A 5" version, with lifetime map updates including both Canada and the U.S....


  1. Adorable pic of Sadie & Cameron - enjoy your visit with everyone!

    1. Thanks Connie and Barry, we can't wait to see them and hug'em, squeeze'em and kiss'em!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful get together, I am sure you will have an awesome time!

    1. It will be a good time just a short time though!

  3. Wow, this summer sure seems to have gone by fast. Do you guys think you will come back next year to the same campground to work?

    1. At the beginning, five months seems like a long time. Now that it's almost over, we'd agree that it seems like it went by quite quickly!

      Yes, they've already asked us if we're interested in coming back but we haven't signed the papers yet. Probably this week and it'll be official. The place is coming along, but there are still things we want to improve!


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