View of San Sebastien del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Sebastian del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

That's it...we're outta here!

In a couple of hours. Still a couple of things to finish up here this morning because we simply ran out of time (and energy) yesterday. It was almost 7:30pm when we called it quits for the day! Hmph. Gonna have to be more organized next year!

So...what's the plan?

Today, we'll drive the motorhome 240 kms (149 miles) to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan where we'll meet our friend Wendy for dinner. She gave us a spot to park Sherman and has also volunteered to drive us to Regina airport at 4:30am tomorrow morning because we're flying to Ottawa for a quick weekend visit with family and friends. Thanks Wendy!

And then on Monday we fly back to Sherman and start our two week border to border boondocking adventure to Mexico!

We're going to be staying in a different boondocking spot ever night for two weeks. Just to show you how easy it is to find cheap or free camping. No Walmart parking lots for us!

It's getting light outside...gotta go. Not sure when you'll hear from us again. Maybe we'll try and post during our layover in Toronto tomorrow morning.

This very popular board game is on sale today only...

Cards Against Humanity

And in Canada, the fascinating documentary "Searching for Sugarman" is on sale...if you haven't seen this, now is your opportunity...


  1. God speed! Drive straight! Let the adventure begin, we're ready!

    1. Thanks Peter, we are happy to back on the road again!

  2. Have a good trip. No more work till Spring time, wahoo!!

    1. Yep, we are so looking forward to the next 7 months!

  3. Sounds like a great upcoming border to border. I'll be very interested in where you stay. Not sure I'd want to drive that many days in a row but I guess I'll find out what it's like soon - from the sidelines that is.

    1. We don't really like driving that distance in such a short time but with the exchange rate on the dollar, every day we spend in the US costs us more money. Having said that there may be a few days where we won't drive at all and a few days where we will drive more than our 200 miles a day.

  4. Happy trails! Have a safe trip and a lot of fun!

  5. Hit the road Jack! (Kevin & Ruth)

  6. Have a fantastic time in Ottawa with family. Looking forward to reading about your next winter adventure. Hugs! :)

    1. Thank you Dianne. We are looking forward to seeing all the family again.

  7. Enjoy your family time and safe travels! Looking forward to hearing (and seeing) all about your newest adventure. Not sure if I missed it or not, but did you decide to return to Cabri next summer?

    1. Thank you Lori! We can't wait to tell everyone all about our different adventures and showing people all the great things out there.

      Yes, we have signed the papers, so we will be back to Cabri next summer.

  8. Have a nice flight. It's cleared up in Ottawa, just in time for your arrival. Not sure who Wendy is, but that's a good friend.

    1. Both flights went great and we arrived on time both times. Yes, Wendy is a good friend and loyal reader.

  9. Sounds good - have a wonderful family/friends time!

    1. Having a wonderful time with the family for sure! :-)

  10. Replies
    1. Funnily enough it doesn't seem like five months has passed by now that we have finished. It sure did go by fast but we are glad to have the next 7 months to recuperate.

  11. Great! Have a wonderful time with family and stay safe out there! Can't wait to see where you boondock!

    1. We sure are enjoying our time here with the family.

      We can't wait to see all the cool places that we will be boondocking at as well.

  12. Searching for Sugarman is a TERRIFIC story and documentary and the price is an absolute steal... More than double the Canadian price in US on that deal!

    1. We agree, this is a great story and if was even better having been to South Africa.


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