Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Motorhome swap update

We had visitors for a couple of days. Blog readers Barrie and Lorrie stopped by with their Class B campervan. They were on their way from Winnipeg to British Colombia and wanted to say hello! They picked a good time to stop by because we're not busy at the park so we could spend some time with them.

We had no shortage of great conversation about camping in Mexico, and RV'ing in general. And we had a nice dinner together as well. And they brought wine! We love when visitors bring wine. :-)

Barrie and Lorrie and their 2000 Leisure Travel campervan.

Barrie is going to be 80 this year and he's training to run in a half marathon. Wow! Go Barrie!!! They were in Scotland and Ireland earlier this year. Can you imagine that we have more than 25 years worth of travel and adventure ahead of us to make it to that point. Sherman would be 45 years old by then. Do you think he'll last that long? Do you think we will? Too funny.

Oh, and we have heard back from the couple in Spain regarding the motorhome swap we talked about the other day.

I had misunderstood. I thought they wanted to take Sherman all the way to Alaska, however she clarified...they want to take the motorhome from here to Vancouver, take a cruise to Alaska, and then the motorhome from Vancouver back to here. Half the mileage, and they wouldn't be so isolated if they should have problems. This, I have no problem with at all and hopefully we'll be able to come to an agreement next year.

I am going into the big city of Swift Current today. Other than a couple of trips into nearby Cabri, I haven't left the park since June 24th! The kids are in school and the park is pretty much empty so I'm going in to town with Ruth to do groceries and running around. 



  1. Sounds like a great RV swap. Hope it works out.

    1. Thanks Contessa, we hope that it will too. We would love to visit some of the southern areas in Europe in an RV.

  2. Sherman will likely need a few upgrades in the next 45 years,

  3. Summer sure went by quickly! It's nice that you have some time to visit and run errands and such. LOVE your header photo today. It is awesome!

    1. Yes, it does seem like it went quickly. This is the first time that Kevin has been able to come with me into Swift Current since the middle of June, so yes it was nice for us to both have a little break from the park. Hopefully we can find a day when we can actually go out and explore some of the area near us and maybe go for a hike. :-)

  4. Beautiful Class B. Just what we want! The gas station on the highway going into Swift Current has great popcorn and a great price. I it was a dollar for a big bag and their small diner was packed with people so I guess the food was good. Good memories.

    1. It is a nice Class B, we would love travelling further south in that.

  5. It's always fun to try to guess where your header picture was taken. I got this one right--been following since early on in Africa-Namibia maybe?

    1. We have had a few of our readers make the same comment! You have been following along for an while now, thank you. :-)

  6. Without AK, that's certainly better but being the cynic (and realist) I can be, there are sure a WHOLE LOT of things which can go south in a hurry. Even with contractual "legal" paperwork, NOTHING is guaranteed if something does go wrong on either or both ends. If it were me, I sure look for alternatives, particularly with your MH being your home. Just sayin'......

    1. Yes, it definitely makes us feel better knowing that Sherman won't been driven up to Alaska without us. You are right nothing is guaranteed but we both have the same chance of something happening to our units and that is something that will have to worked out between us beforehand. We like to stay on the positive side and as Bob said the other day, once you wrap your head around it, it is only a motorhome and the chances are in our favour that nothing will happen.

  7. I think the RV swap would be exciting, but I wonder what would happen if (and this is a big IF) they have an accident while borrowing the unit. You could be out the costs if your insurance company isn't fond of this swap...and they may not be driving here legally unless they have an international driver licence. I suggest you call SGI and see what the insurance options are on that. I get they know how to handle a rig, it's not really them I'm worried about, it's the other guy. And since you live in your Motorhome you could be out of it for a long while getting the claim adjusted.
    I love the idea, just want to make sure that you are crossing all the T's and dotting the I's (and since Insurance is my game, it's something I worry about cause I see claims get denied all the time from people just not being aware).

    1. Yes, I'm sure we'll have that part of it covered. I would tell SGI that I am lending it to friends who are visiting from Europe. The fact that we are "swapping" with them would have no relevance. So it should be no different than if you lend any vehicle to a friend. Especially in Saskatchewan, where my understanding is that the insurance is for the plates and the vehicle, without regard to who is driving it. But yes....I would definitely make the call to be sure...

    2. that's good, I feel better now about your decision :)

  8. Another great adventure for you in the future. Can't wait to hear how it all unfolds. Happy RV swapping!

    1. I won't be until next year, and so much can happen in that time but hopefully everything will go as planned. We would love to tour around Spain and other southern parts of Europe for three months next winter.


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