Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Fresh air and exercise

We put in a hard days work yesterday. But it was another beautiful day, and it felt good to be outdoors and to get some exercise. Sure, we do a lot of hiking in the off season, and that's good for the leg muscles and aerobics, but our upper body muscles tend to get a little soft.

I expect that area will firm up a little over the next couple of weeks!

Our tree trimmers had been in at some point and left piles of logs all over. They had to be moved, and the easiest way was with our old Beverly Hillbillies truck. Hard to  believe it's a 50 year old truck. It fired right up, and off to work we went...

Kevin, loading up the truck.

The hydraulic dump box works great!

Yep, it's empty.

This September I'll spend some time cutting and splitting those logs and stacking them in our firewood shed for use in 2016.

I planted some grass seed in some patchy areas outside the office. Want to get that area landscaped and looking good. There needs to be some kind of distinction between where the grass stops and the gravel begins. Meanwhile, Ruth was doing some raking and burning some of the leaves and twigs.

Also, want to build a couple of speed bumps on the road out front of the office and playground. Despite the signs, people still drive too fast through there and we know from our experience driving in Mexico that speed bumps work!

Lots to do.

Walked up to the top of one of the hills at dusk yesterday evening.

Looks like it's raining on the other side of the lake.

Full moon in the sky.

And an interesting sunset sky.

A great deal on Amazon.com this morning....a pre-seasoned cast iron skillet. It comes ready to use, and it's made in the USA. Great for cooking over a campfire!

And, on Amazon.ca there's a steal of a deal if you're a fan of the X-Men movie series. All four movies on blue ray DVD...(click the link on the right where it says CAD $12.49!)

X-Men Experience Collection


  1. Speed bumps yes they do control the traffic.

  2. Love that old dump truck! What a great tool for wood. Would love to have one like that no matter how old it was.

    1. Not really an old dump truck but it sure is helping out with our spring cleanup this year, no that Kevin has it working.

  3. Doesn't it feel good to be 'home?' I'd love to spend a summer isolated somewhere in wide open spaces...where it's cool to get away from Phoenix three digit temperatures. Love the old dump truck!!!

    1. Yes, it is good to be "home" mind you in about two months or so we will be starting to get itchy feet again and will be looking at where we will be off to next.

      I guess it will be cool here compared to Phoenix but it does get VERY hot here plus we get lots of humidity to go along with it.

  4. Just use the logs as speed bumps (hehe)

    1. If we used some of those logs as speed bumps, we would STOP the traffic totally!

  5. Is that the old truck you fixed up and got going last year?

    1. That's the one...it's coming in very handy for spring clean up!

  6. I really like how you are taking good care of that park. The three of you are a match made in... Saskatchewan!

    1. Thanks Dugg, we really are enjoying it. We love to see the improvements we are making and how it seems easier this year than it did last year at this time.


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