Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Trip down to Ottawa

We're going to be doing this drive quite a few times between now and October 15th when we leave for Nova Scotia. We're staying at Ruth's father's house in the village of Galetta, which is about a 45 minute drive from the center of the city of Ottawa, Canada's capital.

Yesterday morning, I gave the little blue car a much needed vacuum and wash. As I was doing that, Ruth did some laundry and some baking.

We also had a visit from an old acquaintance of Ruth's from her high school years who has since become one of our blog readers. He wanted to stop by for a visit, and drove over in his nicely restored 1970 Barracuda.

Ruth, Mike, the little blue car, and a 1970 Plymouth Barracuda.

1970 Barracuda

So we spoke with Mike for an hour or so, but we had to have some lunch and get going because we were heading down to Ottawa to pick up our son Alex from his work!

Uneventful drive down to Ottawa, but it was interesting to see some of the ongoing construction that has progressed since we were last here 11 months ago. Some major highway projects on the go in the city, as well as the beginnings of a "light rail" transit system that will take the next five years or so to finish. We also couldn't help but notice the huge blue and yellow Ikea store that up until this month was the largest in Canada. A new store opened in Montreal recently that is even bigger! But the Ottawa store is massive in itself, and we'll have to stop in there one day just to see the inside.

Tried to organize a visit with my mother, but she already had plans for the day so after picking up Alex we stopped by my older sister Elaine's place for a quick visit with her.

Then, it was off to old friends Jeff and Shelley's for dinner. Jeff and I have known each other since we were 16 years old and he is one of the crew of guys that I'll be getting together with this upcoming weekend. Always lots of laughs with them, and we'll try and get together again before we head to Nova Scotia.

Looks like another beautiful day today, so we're headed out for a walk around the countryside.


  1. Its great to get together with old friends and catch up, have fun.

  2. So does that IKEA store have a merry-go-round to compete with the Ferris wheel at Scheels? Love that old Barracuda. Very nicely restored.

    1. Nope, apparently not but our son Alex did say they serve beer! Mike did a great job restoring the Barracuda.

  3. Always fun to reconnect with old friends and (of course) family. As for my being out of touch with very old friends in Utah, last evening I tried to contact them and found that they've both passed away .... Hal, only last Wednesday. I'm saddened but understand that such is life. We must live it to the fullest while we may.

    1. So sorry to hear about the death of your friend and even more so that it happened only days before you getting there to visit. Yes, it just shows us that we have to get out there and do the things we want because living to a ripe old age is never a guarantee.

  4. Fun to catch up, and the weather has been cooperating (so far).

    1. The weather has been unbelievably beautiful!

  5. You couldn't get Mike to do an even swap with his Barracuda for your little blue car? I thought you had great negotiating skills... :cD

    1. The little blue car would have much better gas mileage, so t will cost us less in the long run! ;)

  6. If you do stop to look in the IKEA remember that once you're in you have to go ALL the WAY through the store to get out.

    I found it a claustrophobic nightmare.

    Sft x

  7. Nice to reconnect with people. friends that you have known since young always make it seems as though its been no time at all

    1. You are very right on that Donna, the conversation just flows along like there was never an interruption in time.

  8. Howdy Ruth & Kevin,

    Never heard of an IKEA store, must be Japanese.... hee hee hee

    Just like Dallas & Ft Worth, in TEXAS or Hoostun & San Antonio, one-upsmanship!!

    Y'all don't want to swap for a 'Cuda; you're right, Ruth, the mileage ain't that good.. Back in the 'Cuda days you could fill the tank for the price of ONE-gallon, today !!!!
    Hope the LBC doesn't get jealous of it and have a 'breakdown', now !!!

    Get busy, Kevin, DO SOMETHING handy, while y'all are there and have a HAPPY DAY !!!!!

    1. IKEA is a Swedish company that makes home furnishings and just about anything associated with the home.

      Nope, don't think the little blue car was jealous, he knows that we love him! :)

  9. Howdy Ruth & Kevin,
    READ YESTERDAYS BLOG; I wrote on the wrong comment page !!!!!

    I meant to also say that the pic of OTTAWA in the header is MAGNIFICENT !!!!


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