Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Friday, September 13, 2013

T minus 4 days...

Counting down the days until we're outta here.

Our inmate work crew got a lot done yesterday. Even though they're really only here working for about 4 hours, then don't stop. When I told one guy it was quitting time, he said "What? We only just got started!".

They have an hour drive from the institution just to get here, so they arrive at around 9:00am. And quitting time for their supervisor is at 3:00pm, so they have to leave here at 2:00pm. Take out an hour for lunch and there's your 4 hour work day. But, we're glad to have them. And they're coming back again today.

They're from a minimum security institution and it sure looks like the guys don't mind getting out and doing something different. Plus, they get a good meal in our restaurant. I came out from my own lunch to find that three of them had gone and jumped in the lake in their underwear! There's nobody around just now so it didn't matter. Despite whatever reasons might have put them in their current residence, they seem like a good bunch of guys and when they're working they don't stop.

While I was keeping those guys occupied, Ruth was doing some painting.

Ruth, displaying her finished painting job on one of our pedestrian bridges!

What else. Oh, I ordered a bag for our new camera. I just wanted something small, and did some research. Turns out that a bag called ApeCase ACPR0600 looked like just the item. Do you think I can find it in Canada? Nope. So I've twice emailed the company that makes it, but no response. That kind of stuff drives me crazy. What, you don't want to sell your product? I even left a message on their facebook page, but no reply. Anyhow, I can buy it online through the U.S. Walmart site and so I've done that and had it shipped to the Duluth, MN store where we can pick it up next Friday. Only $24, tax included.

Should fit our camera perfectly!


  1. I've always thought it was a good idea to have "correctional institutions" way, way out in the boonies. A boost for the local economy/employment, and if there are thoughts of an escape attempt, then "good luck".
    Nice looking camera bag. It's a mystery why companies have an on line presence, but don't bother to check for orders or emails. Just dumb.

    1. We have come across numerous companies that have an online/social media presence and don't keep their pages up to date, answer emails or interact with people. We often wonder why they even bother!

  2. I bet the help is most appreciated! Nice job on the railing, Ruth! You're looking chipper and ready to go! Grace (in Tucson)

    1. Thanks Grace, and yes, I am ready to hit the road. 4 1/2 months in one spot is a long time for us and we have so much to look forward to in the coming months.

  3. Did you find that camera in the Desert at Anza Borrego? I lost one like that. I know, you were not there last spring. That bridge looks great, Ruth.

    1. Sorry Nan, it's not our camera in the picture. Wow, sucks that you lost your camera though.

  4. Nice to get all that extra help, soon be on the road again!

  5. I am sure they would be rather working density of cell:)

    1. I bet they would rather be outside working than in a cell, especially when the weather has been so beautiful.

  6. It's a universally accepted fact that if you are counting down the days you are way more than ready to leave! :-) Ruth,thanks SO much for the comment. I was going to leave a note to you there but didn't know if you'd come back to see it. There is a Healthy Whoopie category and this year's winner was for the gluten free whoopie. Check out the link to the festival and see the winner. Maybe they will ship you one :-))

    1. Yep, we are ready to go for sure! It is a beautiful spot here but we are ready for a "work" break and all the new adventures that lie ahead. Thanks for the info on the gluten free Whoopie Pies. I am not totally surprised by this as gluten free is starting to become more recognized at food establishments.


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