View of San Sebastien del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Sebastian del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Food with Kevin and Ruth?

I think we might have to turn this into a blog about food.

We post something here every day, and at least once a day to our Travel with Kevin and Ruth facebook account. And of course both accounts have all kinds of statistics as to who reads what and how many times. And of course there are publicly visible statistics such as comments and facebook "likes".

We are often surprised by what becomes a popular post and what doesn't.

For example, the other day we posted a picture from Iceland to our facebook account.

Beautiful landscape, no?

The statistics tell us that the photo was viewed by 403 people and that 7 people took the extra half a second to actually click the button and "like" the photo.

Then on Tuesday, I posted a photo of our dinner. Ruth had made some yummy enchiladas, plus I wanted to try out the "food" setting on our new camera!


In a shorter period of time, this photo was viewed by 446 people, and 28 people took the time to "like" it!

We guess that people must like food more than travel!

Oh, speaking of facebook, we tried a facebook ad targeted to the countries we are going to be visiting this winter. We want to be able to interact with some of the people who live in those countries. It doesn't really cost us anything since we take any advertising revenue that we receive and reinvest it in this blog in the form of giveaways or increasing readership. We ran the ad for 4 days at a cost of $5 per day and only displayed the ad to people in Namibia, Botswana, and South Africa. 

The response was far greater than we figured! Our facebook page was "liked" by 144 people who live in those countries! Amazing, and we are looking forward to showing those people some of the world we live in. A huge welcome to our new fans from southern Africa!!

Oh, another facebook thing I wanted to tell you about.

A few days after winning the Namibia contest, I stumbled across another contest. The prize is 25 nights of accommodation plus breakfast at any of the 21 lodges and campsites belonging to the Gondwana Collection.

Wow, would that ever put the icing on the cake. But with your help, we had only just finished winning a fantastic prize. It would seem just a little greedy to ask for help on another one so soon. But we entered it, and a few friends began voting for us. Hey, somebody has to win, it might as well be us!

Surprisingly, we are now in 4th place. But you have to be in the top 3 to win and we don't think we can do it without more help. So only if you really want to help, you can use your facebook account to vote for us at

It's exactly the same format as the contest that we won. You will have to like and accept the application, then vote for our picture titled "Flower Power". Again, click the fifth star to the right.

We're not going to be reminding you every day, but there is a link near the top of this page you can click directly. You can vote once every 24 hours. Contest runs until August 31st.


  1. You're becoming a world wide phenomenon.

  2. Replies
    1. No problem Judy, we know there are a lot of people who don't do facebook.

  3. Everyone has to and likes to eat. However not everyone can travel or afford to.

  4. I guess I'm the odd one out. IF I did facebook which I don't, I'd be much more likely to "like" that gorgeous Iceland landscape than that delicious dinner. I guess it's all in what I like to look at.

    1. We are the odd ones out too Sherry, so don't feel like you are the only one.

  5. Next thing you'll be getting your own cooking show on TV! :c)

  6. Sorry Kevin, that page is wanting access to my friends and other personal stuff. Not gonna happen.


    1. Every contest requires you to "like" the application and accept the terms. It is the only way they have of preventing cheating, and that's the only thing the info is used for. No need to be uncomfortable with it, but if you are then thanks for trying.


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