View from Arneside Knott Viewpoint near Arnside, Cumbria, England.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Albania on June 11th!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Dripping with sweat!

Another warm day yesterday here in the Ottawa area. But it's the humidity that kills you around here. Same thing all summer.

After having spent the last five summers in Saskatchewan where there is very low humidity, we could never live in the Ottawa area again. So much more comfortable in Saskatchewan.

But, the humidity did not stop us from going out and getting some exercise. We drove down to the Morris Island Conservation area where there are some nice walking trails.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

We didn't bring any shorts!

And we didn't bring any shorts with us on this trip, because we didn't expect the temperature to get up to 27C (81F). But that's what happened here in Ottawa yesterday, and when things get warm in Ottawa, there is usually fairly high humidity... so it gets muggy too.

But, we're okay with that. Still, it would have been nice to have a pair of shorts on instead of jeans!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Thanksgiving Monday

While most of you were having a normal Monday, up here in Canada we were having Thanksgiving Monday! Yes, it was a holiday here in the great white north... and time to get together for a feast with the family.

Originally, we were just going to have our son and his girlfriend stop by for hamburgers. Then, Ruth spotted a turkey on sale for 95 cents a pound or so. And the next thing you know, we were pulling out all the stops for a big meal!

Monday, October 8, 2018

What's up for the next six months...?

Sherman the motorhome is waiting for us in British Columbia. We arrive back there on October 17th.

From there, we have about five and a half weeks to get from the Vancouver area to Mission, Texas. We could take a direct route that would be about 4,000 kms (2,500 miles), but there are some things we want to see in Washington state and Oregon, and northern California.

Sunday, October 7, 2018


Everybody knows PayPal because it's been around for a long time now, and it's really convenient for sending or receiving money just about anywhere in the world.

But PayPal is ridiculously expensive to use. So when something is ridiculously expensive, it tends to bring out competitors.

So a few months ago, somebody told me about TransferWise.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

"You're not going to die or anything, are you?"

Took a break from the blog yesterday. We're always really busy whenever we come back to Ottawa for a visit. There is always something on the go, and when there's not, we want to spend time with the grandkids. They grow up so fast!

And on Thursday evening I went out and played some pool and had a few beers with an old friend of mine. And didn't get to bed until after 1:30am! Yikes. Good thing I don't do that very often!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Out for a walk on the tracks

So we're visiting with our daughter and her family the other day, and grandson Cameron (age 7) has been taught by his dad how to play chess.  He wants to play against me. Now, I remember how to play chess, but it's probably been 40 years since I've played!

But how tough can it be...? He's 7 years old!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Back in Ottawa

Despite the fact that Saskatchewan is now officially home, we still feel like we're coming back home when we arrive in Ottawa. We lived most of our lives in Ottawa, and brought up our kids here, and still have lots of family here... so we enjoy coming back for a visit to see all of our family and friends once or twice a year.

On Monday, we drove from Toronto up to Ottawa, with a detour to Sandbanks Provincial Park. Unfortunately we did not visit the park itself!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

September Expenses

Well, here's our September expense report. Grand total for the month was $2,735 CAD ($2,150 USD). Not bad, especially when you consider that we spent yet another $1,000 on motorhome repairs.

But on a year to date basis for the first nine months, we're way higher than normal because of the now $8,200 CAD ($6,500 USD) that we have spent on repairs and maintenance this year.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Into the big city of Toronto

We had a late breakfast with Ruth's family in Guelph yesterday morning. Didn't get any photos. Just a greasy spoon breakfast, but we left with our stomachs full and we didn't need any lunch.

From Guelph, we headed into downtown Toronto.