Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Out for a ride in our new kayak!

Our new kayak arrived on Friday.

Ever since we got the motorhome, we've wanted some kind of a boat to go relax and explore on the water. We thought about a canoe, but it wouldn't be convenient trying to attach it to Sherman's roof. And we knew that we could get an inflatable kayak but the ones that other RV'ers talk about on the forums cost upwards of $500, and we didn't want to spend that much without knowing how much we'd use it.

So when I spotted this one on sale for $100, we both looked at each other and said "buy it"!

For $100, it was a steal. Besides, if we didn't like it, we could send it back. And if we ended up not using it very much, well then we didn't lose a lot of money.

You can't open a box around here without Coho the cat being interested.

It always amazes me how they pack stuff into a box for shipping.

The box weighs about 35 lbs. But it's not that big. I mean, look at the size of the cat on the box. And the box includes the kayak, the pump, two paddles, and a carry bag.

I was impressed with the carry bag. I hadn't seen it mentioned in the advertising when we bought it.

We didn't set it up until yesterday evening. We put the cat into exile (sharp claws!) and then it took us about an hour to sort things out, read the instructions, and put things together. Lots of cautions about over inflating the unit, and I've read where people have not followed the instructions and end up with split seams.

Ready to pump it up!

The paddles seem decent quality. 

It inflates quick and easy. There is one inflation chamber for the floor (you do that one first) and another for the main chamber of the boat. Then the seats. They install via velcro and straps and are a lot more sturdy than I'd thought a blow up chair would be.

Ha! Ready to go! We borrowed a couple of life jackets, and carried it down to the beach.

I notice they have an end of season sale on life jackets at Canadian Tire so we will pick up a couple for $20 a piece when we go into town on Wednesday.

You could always check out the ones at Globo Surf as well.

Kayaking selfie!

Nice evening for a ride on the water.

Ruth, and our new kayak.

For our needs, it will do us just fine to go out and paddle around for an hour or so...especially for the price we paid. It was a steal then, but the price here in Canada has gone up a little bit since we bought ours. However, it's still a bargain even at the current price.


  1. Awesome. I'm having difficulty picturing my lovely wife getting into the thing though..
    Hilarity could very well ensue. Along with a dunking.

    1. Really no more difficult to get into this than into a regular kayak. In fact this one might be better because it is softer, no hard sides to bump yourself into. ;-)

  2. I felt I was in the water with you on the header photo!

  3. I'm jealous, but know I couldn't get in or out of one. Enjoy

    1. It would be pretty easy to get into and out of if there was a dock, definitely a little harder from the shore's edge.

  4. I have wanted a kayak, but like you, I won't use it a lot... we are in Colorado, sooooo, not much water here, so I love your review of this... thanks! Looking at it on Amazon now...

    1. We need to give it a better workout but I think for what we are wanting it for, it should do just fine.

  5. Glad the kayak worked out. Likely the most dangerous place for that kayak is launching and getting back on land (when you slide over rocks). I think those seats would be more comfortable than ours! I am sure you will get a lot of use out of it - I always see way more wildlife out on the water. Great for when you go traveling in Sherman.

    1. I think you are probably right Cheapchick, we will have to be careful with that. Kevin found his seat fairly comfortable, whereas I had a problem, we think perhaps my seat needed a bit more air.

      Yes, it should be great for traveling with Sherman and for what we want it for it should do us well. Not sure we could spend hours in it though.

  6. How did it perform in the water? Did you feel safe? Is there room for two fishing pools and a small tackle box?

    1. It was pretty good in the water. I mean, we've been n quite a few other kayaks and I don't think this was more or less stable than any other. It moves right along though...seems a little faster and with less effort than some we've been in. Both into the wind and against the current. As for fishing poles and tackle box? I would suggest no...not with two people in it. But if you went out alone, I don't see a problem.

      Didn't feel at all unsafe, but then we had life jackets on...

  7. Think you will enjoy that we enjoyed many years on the water before the rv, but now really have no more desire for that. I know you will have fun.

    1. I am pretty sure that we will enjoy it. There have been many times when we were somewhere with water and we said to each other how nice it would be to have a canoe or kayak to use.

  8. I would LOVE to get one of these! But only if I can attach a 12V motor to it. The plan would be to troll up the Colorado River til the batteries die, then float back down. Need to investigate river current, motor size/design, etc,

    1. Doesn't look like you can attach any kind of motor to this one. Maybe you should look into some of the inflatable rafts that are out there. Our park employee had a rubber raft and she had a little motor on hers, it worked really well.

    2. I would have to build a simple custom frame to mount the motor to. And then pay Calufornia a one-time fee of $57 and $18 per year to register my "vessel"! Ouch. But, it would be an awesome use for my current lithium ion batteries I'll be replacing next year. In the mean time, a friend and I can use my new Explorer K2 the manual way :)

    3. Knowing you, you would certainly figure out a way to mount a motor on. The lithium batteries would work great on a little 12V motor.

      Nothing wrong with doing it the manual way, it's good exercise. ;-)

  9. I bet you'll have fun cruising around waterways in your new kayak!

    1. I am sure that we will! It won't get to much of a work out this year but hopefully next year we will use it a lot more.

  10. Does it have a watertight compartment for some camera gear and a couple peanut butter and honey sandwiches??

    1. Unfortunately, no! We bring our little waterproof pocket camera with us though.

      I love peanut butter and honey sandwiches!

  11. Oh cool. What fun y'all are going to have.

    1. We are really looking forward to putting it to use! :-)

  12. Amazon also sells a similar Intex model, the Explorer K2, for almost the same price. Did you happen to compare the two models before choosing the Challenger K2?

    1. At the time when our purchase was $100, the Explorer K2 was $127...and further, the Explorer K2 was out of stock so that made the decision really easy.

    2. Excellent point---Amazon (USA) is currently offering the Explorer K2 for $100---with fine print saying "usually ships in 4 to 5 months" *eek*

  13. Thanks for sharing this now trying to convince hubby that inflatable is the best option rather than putting our hard sided kayak onto our motorhome roof

    1. If you can, I would suggest keeping the hard sided kayak and then buy this one and see how you like it. I think it will be good for just using out and about but if you are a serious kayaker it may not be sufficient enough for you. It would definitely be much easier to carry around with you in the motorhome than the hard sided one.

  14. Be careful of those Canadian Tire life jackets, they are most uncomfortable. They bunch up around your neck and into the back of your head when sitting and paddling. Be sure to try it on and actually sit on the floor at the store to see how much it rides up before buying them. Worst purchase we ever made was buying cheap life jackets.

    1. Yes, you make a good point. I have to say the life jacket I had one bunched up around the neck and wasn't very comfortable but it was only a borrowed one and was too big for me. I like the suggestion of sitting on the floor to see how it rides up. Thanks!

  15. We bought one ,on your advise but not for us. It is for our G/Kids as they have cabin on Columbia Lake in BC near Fairmont.

    1. Nice, they'll love it! Just make sure they follow the inflation instructions.

  16. Now that you've used your kayaks for almost two years, are you satisfied with it? I've just bought a truck and camper, my first rv after years of tenting. I love it. And I've just discovered your excellent blog. As a lover of, and frequent visitor to Mexico, especially the highlands, I'm feeling fortunate to read of your trips around that country.

    1. We haven't exactly used the kayak as much as we would have liked over the two years but when we have used it we do like it, especially for the price. And, because we haven't used it as much as we would have liked, just makes it all the more reason as to why we didn't buy a better quality one that would also have cost more. So yes, we are happy with our decision. It does take a little time to set it up or to take it down but if you are in one place for several days where you can use it more than one time then it is all worth the effort.

      Very happy that you are enjoying Mexico and hopefully finding the information and tips helpful. :-)


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