The beach at Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Planning for next winter!

We know that we are going to be in southern Spain completing our motorhome exchange deal in January and February of 2017. And that we plan to visit Morocco and Algeria in March and April of 2017.

And, we plan to be in Ottawa with our families for much of October and also at Christmas of this year.

But we still have approximately two months of travel to fill up between October 25 or so and Christmas.

So yesterday I was perusing Google FlightSearch and I happened across a deal from Ottawa to Bucharest, Romania for $660 CAD ($520 USD) return, taxes included.

Now...although Ottawa is the capital of Canada, it's difficult to get decent deals from Ottawa because that city is located so close to both Montreal and Toronto. So the really good deals usually leave from those two bigger cities.

Ottawa to Bucharest, Romania.

So when I see a deal leaving right from Ottawa I want to jump on it. But this particular deal isn't bookable at this price online. The best I can find is $685 online. It says that you have to book through a travel agent. So when I finish posting this, I will be on the phone.

We have to be careful with our time in Romania, and it's southern neighbour Bulgaria because those two countries are part of the Schengen Visa area where we can only spend 90 days in Europe out of any 180 days. And we know that we'll be in Spain for at least 60 days in January and February.

But other neighbours Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia, and Turkey are not part of the Schengen Visa area and so while we would be flying to Bucharest we would not actually be spending much time in Romania. 

Anyhow, we'll know within the next couple of hours if this is going to come together! Exciting!

Other exciting news? It's raining here at Cabri Park. Not just a sprinkle, either. A decent steady rain for both today and tomorrow. I think the grass is turning greener already! Good for us, and great for the local farmers.

Rain this morning at Cabri Park!

Owl pic from yesterday.

Great deal this morning on "Never-Kink" extra heavy duty garden hose...50, 75, and 100 foot lengths available...

And In Canada, a great deal on an electronic labelmaker...


  1. Do you know where Sherman is going next winter? You know we just follow this blog because we're interested in Sherman.

    1. Sherman plans on taking a break next winter. We will likely drive him from here to Ottawa at the end of September, but then he'll rest there for the winter.

  2. Sounds like a great plan! Hopefully the rain will help raise the lake a bit. Plus that big Alberta Fire is about to cross over into SK

    1. We think it sounds like a great plan too! :-)

      We are getting totally soaked here now. Before it was way too dry now it is way too wet! We're not sure if we can even drive out of the park at the moment because the road may be too muddy to get up the hill. I don't believe they are getting this kind of rain further north though, although the temperatures are much lower so that is helping them somewhat.

  3. Sounds like it will be another wonderful winter for you guys.l

    1. Yep, it is shaping up to be another great winter but first we have to get through the summer.

  4. Can't wait to follow along, how exciting!!!

    1. From our research so far it sounds like we will have a fantastic time once again! :-)

  5. I've been fascinated with Romania since I was a kid. I've read lots of books about its history, gypsies, economy, etc. There is a great book called, "Bury Me Standing" and another called "The Land of Green Plums". I hope you are going to tour the mega-buildings left from the Ceausescu era. How exciting!

    1. We have been interested in Romania for a while as well but unfortunately we won't be spending too much time this trip in Romania because it observes of the rules of the Schengen Visa. This means we can only spend up to 3 months out of every 6 month period in certain countries in Europe and because we will already be spending at least 2 months in Spain it won't leave us enough time to explore Romania like we normally would explore a country. Instead we will spend about a week or so total in Romania and then head to other Eastern European countries that aren't part of the Schengen Visa, such as Moldova, which is sounding like it is right up our alley.

      No worries though, we will come back to Romania and explore it properly but that will have to wait until another time.

  6. Gee, this makes me feel lazy- we have not yet worked up a plan for this summer:(

    1. Kevin's mind is always looking to the future and what we can do, especially when he finds a good deal. :-)

  7. What a great plan you have! You always find some amazing airfares.

    1. Thanks! I find them because I look for them... :-)


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