Beautiful day at Wareham, Dorset, England.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Keinton Mandeville, Somerset, England.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Birmingham, England on May 19th!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Wash your troubles away...

Laundry is an interesting thing, isn't it? Well, not really!

But it is something we all have to deal with and not everybody around the world has a washer and dryer in their house. We don't!

And of course when we're traveling in the motorhome, we've never had a washer and dryer. But you have to get some clean clothes, so somehow you find a way...

Saturday, June 8, 2013

A day off?

What's that?

It's not a very good weather forecast for this weekend, so we were surprised to have a few campers show up yesterday. I think we've got 9 sites occupied.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Here's our winner...!

Congratulations go to Joe Girsch of Pennsylvania, winner of the $100 VISA gift card that we gave away here at Travel with Kevin and's the happy winner...

Our hands are sore!

And arms. I don't know about Ruth, but it's been 15 years since I've worked this hard doing steady physical labor! Enjoying it for the most part, but it would be nice to get a break long enough to let the muscles recover.

Okay, so what have we been up to the last couple of days? Let's see...

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Why Namibia?

There are literally thousands of contests we could enter. After the Australia contest fiasco last year, we've been a little gun shy to enter ANY of them. But when I saw this giveaway with the prize being a trip to a very different destination, I felt we couldn't pass it up. I bet you don't know very much about the country of Namibia. We didn't either.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

We have a winner!

Well that was fun. Our contest to give away a $100 VISA gift card was a resounding success. Or at least we had fun, we hope you did too! We're going to do other giveaways as time goes on, so we're looking forward to the next one!

Now, who won? Well, if you're a female...sorry. And if you're a regular reader...sorry.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Blogger Interview...Episode #3

A day late, but better late than never as they say.

Today, we're with another solo female traveler but this one lives and travels full time in her motorhome. She keeps a very active life volunteering at National Wildlife Refuges around the U.S., and she has a lifelong love of camping and RV'ing. She's got a popular blog, and even though she publishes almost every day, she doesn't often talk about her personal life. So we're happy to welcome Judith Bell from "Travels with Emma" so we get an inside look into how she arrived at where she is now in life...

Monday, June 3, 2013

Bear sighting!

The weekly edition of our Blogger Interview series is going to be a day late! We do have another interesting story to tell, and it's almost ready, but you'll have to bear with us until tomorrow! "Bear". Get it? Ha, ha.

Speaking of bears, we finally spotted one yesterday!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

What do you think?

Do you like our new facebook header photo? It was designed and produced by someone from the website we told you about. I think it's pretty good for five bucks, no?

Those of you who don't "do" facebook might not have seen that we hit a milestone yesterday and that Travel with Kevin and Ruth now has over 500 facebook fans! We're pretty excited about that!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

May Expenses

Well, after having a higher than expected April, we were glad to get back to a more reasonable level of expenses. Not quite as low as we hoped it would be, but not bad. We spent a total of $1,075 during the month of May. Here's how it all broke down...