View from Arneside Knott Viewpoint near Arnside, Cumbria, England.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Albania on June 11th!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

We are now into the United States!

But boy, they don't make it easy. Having been to 34 different countries, we have crossed a lot of borders. The United States makes things the most difficult.

And of course we have to put up with the border circus because it's part of travel. But sometimes it just makes you shake your head. Such as it was yesterday.

A long driving day in Mexico!

If we wanted to cross the border on Monday, then Sunday was going to have to be a long driving day! Still traveling with two other rigs, we were up and on the road at the crack of dawn.

Originally, our destination was the city of Saltillo, and the Imperial Hotel where we had stayed our very first night with the Mexico RV Caravan group. But traffic is busy in the city, and considering we were only staying the night and just needed somewhere to park, we nixed that idea and figured we would wing it.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Fantastic day at a Mexico National Park!

It's Semana Santa (Easter Week) and it's the weekend. A lot of Mexicans head to the beach during Semana Santa, but that doesn't leave the mountain spots untouched, and such is the way it is here at Sierra de Organos National Park.

There aren't a lot of camping spots here, and it's pretty busy. We had music well into the night, but that's the way it is in Mexico so we expected it. But they are friendly people, just having fun with their friends and families and we have no problem with that.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Here's how our day went on Friday...

Three of the group left Isla de la Piedra at 6:00am. A few of us were even up to wave goodbye. They wanted to get an early start and a long days drive in to head towards the Arizona border on Sunday and get back to Canada for various reasons. Next, at 7:00am, seven more rigs pulled out, again heading towards Arizona, but this group won't cross until Monday.

Then at 8:00am, it was our turn. Us, with James and Karen behind us, and Kenny and Gail bringing up the rear. We are down to a three rig caravan!

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Just a short note

To let you know we made it to the National Park. No cell signal unless we do a hike to a lookout! That's where we are now. Using my phone to do this blog post. Normal blog post will resume tomorrow!

I've never tried doing a blog post from the phone. Hope this works!

Friday, March 30, 2018

Mazatlan, and saying goodbye

We walked the the ferry dock here at Isla de la Piedra and took the panga boat to Mazatlan. It crosses the shipping port and is about a ten minute journey.

We were meeting up with Steve and Rebecca, a couple who had hosted us at their place in Duluth, Minnesota back in 2013. They've been loyal readers of this blog since 2011!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Mazatlan Countryside Tour

The bus was here to pick us up at 8:30am yesterday morning. First stop was the village of Puerta de Canoas, about 57 kms (35 miles) from where we are camped at Isla de la Piedra.

This is where there is a guy who trains dancing horses. Plus, it's just a nice little typical village. I always find it interesting how you only have to be 16 kms (10 miles) outside the hustle and bustle of the big city of Mazatlan to find yourself out in the country. You'd never know that you're so close to the city.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

February Expenses

Better late than never, right?!

If you remember, Sherman broke down on Thursday, March 1st. That week, and the following week were a little hectic for us, and we kind of got out of schedule and the February expenses never got posted. So I'm posting them now.

February was a pretty reasonable month, which is a good thing because March was not! However, we have to keep in mind that February was only 28 days...

Last driving day with the group

We did the short drive from Teacapan to Isla de la Piedra yesterday. We had a 9:00am start because it's only a 131 km (81 mile) drive. A couple of us needed to get fuel, so we left 20 minutes early to stop at the station up on the road, but when we got there they had one pump closed and it was pretty congested. We decided to carry to to El Rosario where there was a bigger station.

And, we took the free road again. It's in pretty good shape, so it's one of those situations where you can't justify spending the money on the toll road.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Planning our exit from Mexico

Six more nights in Mexico. Hard to believe. But, all good things must come to an end, so they say!

We have only one more drive with the whole group, and that is today from Teacapan to Isla de Las Piedra near Mazatlan. Then on Friday, we split ways and most of the group is exiting through Nogales with the leader of the Copper Canyon group, while Ruth and I take two rigs out through Laredo.