View from Arneside Knott Viewpoint near Arnside, Cumbria, England.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Albania on June 11th!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

A house sitting mishap

Well January went by pretty quick. Considering January is usually the worst month of the year for people living in this terrible climate!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

We don't own a house

And we don't plan on owning one again. Yes, we own Sherman, but he's not a house. He's our home!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Solar Panels

I'm working part time in an RV dealership. Besides the obvious benefit of getting a big discount on parts that I might need to buy for Sherman, I also get to talk to people at work all day about Rv'ing . It's a pretty good job, and if I have to do something, at least I kind of enjoy it.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


When people are travelling they usually have time to see things that they don't normally notice or never took the time to notice.  Sunsets are something that most working people just don't take the time to look at.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Even though our children are out in the world doing their own thing, we still have a major family responsibility. That is our dog, Whiskey.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We don't have a toad

Those of you who own motorhomes will know what I'm talking about. Those of you who don't own a motorhome probably need an explanation. You're probably thinking "well, I don't have any reptiles either"!

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Grand Canyon

I saw the picture Kevin put up yesterday and it got me thinking! Do you have a "Bucket List" or a list of places that you must see before you die? Well the Grand Canyon was one of those places that we HAD to see.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Do you know what an actuary is?

Our son has decided he'd like to be an actuary.

When he brought this up, I didn't know what to think because although I had heard the term before, I didn't really know what an actuary is. Or how you become one. Or what an actuary does.

Where to park up!

A lot of people have asked us in our travels, where do you find somewhere free to park overnight and feel safe.  We don't seem to have much trouble with this, because we always find somewhere, it may not always be our ideal spot and sometimes it isn't for free.