View of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Relax day at the beach in Melaque

We needed to get some exercise, so before it got too hot we took off for a walk. Of course, when we start wandering we never know how long we're going for... or how far!

We set off through town, then part of the beach. We ended up doing about 8kms (5 miles)!

Here are some photos...

Wall mural. We think it's not finished yet.

Yesterday was a holiday here in Mexico. 
Surprised the beach wasn't busier.

There are more people at the north end of the beach where it's nicer for swimming.

We walked all the way up to that point.

Looking back where we came from.

The kids had fun burying the father!

The ruins of the Hotel Casa Grande.

The Hotel Casa Grande was built in the 1960's. It was a huge place, with four floors. It was severely damaged in the 7.6 earthquake that killed 37 people in this area in October 1995. It's been sitting there in a ruined condition ever since. Tidbits of info I found on the internet say the land is tied up in the courts.

Another driving day today, which is fine by me. Melaque is okay, and I know that a lot of people like it here, but it just doesn't do anything for me. Personally, I like Lo de Marcos better and that's where we're headed today.

So... our first driving day back with the group. And, we have a bigger group now as we have joined up with the leftover people from the Copper Canyon caravan. There are now 16 rigs, however we are splitting into two groups when travelling so it will actually be a little easier. They have their wagon master leading the second group. Which is good, because we are making our way north through the big city of Puerto Vallarta today, and it's a bit of a challenge.

See you in Lo de Marcos!

Great deal on a Dewalt socket set...


  1. Agree about LDM. I like the energy of the town.

    1. Yep, we quite like Lo de Marcos, it's a pretty little town. :-)

  2. Whatever. Certainly a welcome change from RV repairs. Not that that's not interesting, but certainly more stress than you need.

    1. Definitely a nice change from waiting for the repairs to be done. Had a good drive though. :-)

  3. The pacific side of Mexico coast doesn't do much for me but I love the Atlantic side. I love the beaches and ocean colors on the eastern coast. I'm ready for more adventure!

    1. And we feel the other way around. The beaches on the Gulf side don't do anything for us, the water is colder, the beaches aren't nearly as pretty or as clean.

  4. Ha! I was Melaque back in 1994 - it sure has changed!

  5. Really enjoy pictures of water. When we have a storm I always go to a window where I can watch the white caps on the Ottawa river!

    1. Then you will enjoy the pictures for the next week and a half or so because we will be by the water right up to Mazatlan.

  6. Lovely beach. Glad you could get some walking in as well. Enjoy the drive today!

    1. It is a nice beach, especially down at the more northern end. We were happy to get out and get some exercise in for a change. :-)

  7. We’ve spent January and February in Puerto Vallarta the past 4 years. Really love that city but unfortunately “Old Town” is being taken over by developers. So sad. Looking forward to pictures of Lo de Marcos. Safe travels.

    1. Glad that you have enjoyed yourself in Puerto Vallarta but it definitely just doesn't do anything for us. We certainly won't be making an effort to go into the city on this visit, especially because we have seen it in the past.

      Lo de Marcos, is quite a pretty little town, so we are going to enjoy a few days here.


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