Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

What the other half is doing!

(Written by Ruth)

Well it sounds like Kevin is having a really good time with his friends at their boy's getaway weekend at the beautiful cottage in the country and I am really happy for them. Having said that we haven't been sitting around here either and we have had a house full of people and a ton of laughs, especially last night!

Cameron has quite the imagination and I've been doing all sorts of things from watching a puppet show to sitting around a campfire and sleeping in a tent with Sadie looking at the stars when we see an alien rocket and the friendly alien takes us in his rocket to his planet, all in the space of about 20 minutes to a half hour. We have also gone hunting dinosaurs. I love that he has such a good imagination. Sadie loves to mimic Cameron at everything that he does and she just has the sweetest smile that just melts your heart.

Yesterday, I went with my Dad and my sister, Lesley and the dogs for his daily walk/hike at the local area conservation area. My Dad walks down there every day with his new to him dog, Taffy. His old dog, KC passed away about a year or so ago and Taffy his new dog used to belong to my niece but for a number of reasons couldn't keep her any more so she brought Taffy up to my Dad's place for him. She is such a really good dog and is very good with the children.

Cameron having lunch under the watchful eye of Taffy

The conservation area isn't very far away from my Dad's but you need to drive there and on the way you can often see lots of wildlife.

This is a doe and her two young ones from this year and a few wild turkeys in the background. All of this on someone's front lawn.

My sister, Lesley and her dog Zeva

My Dad, Tony

After coming back from the walk, Lindsey and Justin took off for a relaxing day at a nearby spa for their 6th wedding anniversary, knowing that Grandma was here to look after the kids for the day. So off we went to the local playground before lunch.

Sadie, my sister Lesley and her grandson, Dominic


Back to the house for lunch and a nap.

Happy Sadie.

We had a full house for dinner. Lesley lives in Hamilton, Ontario about a 5 to 6 hour drive to my Dad's. She brought her daughter Melissa and grandson, Dominic up with her and late Friday night her son Marshall and his girlfriend, Meagan arrived. They also live in the Hamilton area, luckily they stayed over next door at my brother, Colin's house because we ran out of room here at my Dad's. Anyway for dinner they were all here along with Lindsey and the family, myself, my Dad and then my brother, Colin, his new girlfriend, Francine and his son, Matthew came over as well, so there were 14 in total plus 2 dogs, a very full house. After dinner we played a card game called Chase the Ace and the fun we had was great but we sure missed not having our son Alex there to join in on it. Hoping he will arrive today before everyone starts to leave. It's not often that we can get the whole family together like this.

Marshall and Meagan

My brother Colin and his girlfriend, Francine

Justin, Lindsey, Dominic, my Dad, Francine and Colin

My niece, Melissa, Meagan and nephews Marshall and Matthew

Sorry the pictures aren't quite up to Kevin's work but I am still getting used to this camera and I am realizing that I need to make sure the lens is clean each time as the way the camera is made that there is nothing covering the lens to protect it. Also my editing skills are definitely lacking.

Flying back to Regina first thing Monday morning!

Thanks for doing your Amazon shopping through our links here at Travel with Kevin and Ruth!


  1. Awesome to get together with so many family members. Kinda sucks that you're flying out first thing in the morning already. That went fast.
    Have a good flight.

    1. If we could have had Alex and his girlfriend and Kevin at the house Saturday night we would have had all of my side of the family together. We did however have all of Kevin's side of the family together on Sunday for dinner.

      Yes, it went by way to fast.

  2. Great job on your post Ruth. Now that is a family reunion. Too bad Kevin couldn't be in 2 places at once. Fun family photo.

    1. Yes, it was to bad not to have had Kevin there and we were also missing Alex and his girlfriend. We sure did have fun though.

  3. Looks like a fun family time - have a safe trip back!

  4. It's so nice to get lots of your family members together. Seems like anymore everyone is so busy.
    Sounds like you are having a great time. Cameron sure does have a great imagination.
    Glad you had a fun time with all.

    1. It is definitely not an easy thing to do these days with many families. People are so spread out now compared to what they used to be so many years ago. Still when you can get everyone together it just makes you appreciate them even more.

      I love that Cameron has such a great imagination too and that he isn't one to want to watch TV all the time. He only gets 1 to 2 hours a day if that.

  5. Wonderful to see so many family members together and it looks like everyone was having a great time.

    1. Thanks Helen, yes it was wonderful to be all together. It has been a while since I have seem Melissa or Marshall and of course it was the first time that I got to meet Dominic.

  6. Spend as much time with your dad as you can. I lost mine on July 11th. I miss him daily.

    1. Yep, I totally do. I keep trying to get him to come and stay with us at the campground for a couple of weeks, who knows maybe next year. Sorry about the loss of your Dad in July. I lost my Mom back in Sept. 2009 and Kevin lost his Dad in Nov. 2010 so we know how it feels, and it is never easy.

  7. You both have be very busy having too much fun, friends and family, wonderful !

    1. Yes, we have and we have enjoyed every minute of it.

  8. What a great time with the family. I would rather be with you. Who wants to be with a bunch of guys that smell like sweat and booze...lol

    Your photos are great by the way!

    1. Totally agree with you Marsha! I know the guys had a bunch of fun though and good for them but I loved my time with the family and especially the grandchildren.

  9. How nice to get together with family. My grandma turned 100 last Feb. I am blessed to have her and she's as funny as she's always been. Love family time!

    1. How wonderful that your grandma is still around and that she is so much fun to be with. That's how we want to be! :-)

      Yep, definitely love that family time.

  10. now it's time to enjoy. here we wait , come back very carefully. Cheers

    1. Gracias Paco y Oty! No va a ser mucho más largo y estaremos en Valle de Bravo. Espero con ansia ver a los dos.

      Thank you Paco and Oty! It won't be much longer and we will be in Valle de Bravo. Looking forward to seeing you both.


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