Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Before and after

What a change to the park in almost four weeks. I took a couple of "after" shots this morning, but we've got some showers happening at the moment, so I'll try and do a few more another day when the sky is blue.

But for now, you'll get an idea of the changes.

Here's the very first day we arrived on May 1st...

May 1st.

This morning, May 26th.

May 1st.

This morning, May 26th.

We had our new bed arrive over the weekend. Part of our deal was a furnished residence to live in, and we knew that our main bedroom still needed a bed when we arrived. We've been sleeping in one of the spare rooms up until now. 

But on Saturday, our new mattress and box spring arrived! They splurged on our comfort, with a brand new $1,300 set that had been on sale at Sears for $469. Great deal. Apparently they shop like we do!

Our brand new bed.

They had two versions, the "firm" one, and the "plush" one. I was given the option and chose the firm one. We slept in it last night, and it's going to take a little getting used to. It's pretty firm. I just figured the firmer version would be better. Might have to splurge for a memory foam topper like we have in the motorhome. We'll see how it goes for a few weeks, might just be a matter of getting used to it.

Ruth made some blueberry muffins and triple ginger cookies yesterday. Yummy! Hey, we can do before and after pics with this too!



Ruth also spent some time doing some gardening in the flower beds outside of our house. Nothing had been done to them for the last couple of years, we think. Anyhow, she pulled the weeds out and figured out which were flowers and which were not. We'll buy a combination of annuals and perennials next month and make it look pretty.

Not done yet.

Weeds gone!


  1. Things are all coming together and great weather too, gotta love it!

    1. Yes, things here are starting to look really nice. Can't wait to see the water higher and then it will be picture perfect.

  2. The trees leafing out sure make a difference. At first I thought how barren this camp site was-- but now it looks like a good summer location.

    1. We totally agree with you Kristine, the leaves make a HUGE difference!

  3. What a difference a few weeks makes! Need recipes for your goodies - yummy!!!

    1. It's amazing isn't it! Yes, we will post the recipes for these goodies shortly.

  4. I have trouble with that, "is it a weed or not?" program. Good thing Ruth knows what's what.

    1. Bob it is pretty much a no brainer as the majority of it is weeds! I cant wait to get some other plants and flowers in there now.

  5. The absence of the dead leaves is especially noticeable.

    1. And, it was a lot of work to get rid of those leaves, thank you for noticing.

  6. Amazing how those green leaves can really brighten up a place. They would all be weeds to me.

    1. Jim and Sandy they pretty much are all weeds!

  7. Replies
    1. We will post them sometime over the next few weeks.

  8. The after pic of the cookies and muffins should called intermediate, 'cause I'm sure Kevin wouldn't have left so many behind. With all the hard work you're doing, you must have terrific appetites. What a metamorphoisis at the park. It is looking great. Makes me want to come for a visit.

    1. Larry, believe it or not there are still cookies and muffins left. Kevin doesn't have a real sweet tooth so we have one muffin each a day for snack and a couple of cookies after lunch and sometimes in the evening. He does have a good appetite so at lunch and supper he gets a large portion of food.

      We would would be happy to have you come and visit us here at the park, hope you make it.

  9. mmm that rich rolls. to celebrate the hard work applied to the park and the transformation they achieved. why do most excellent partner. Greetings friends

  10. You guys are doing a FANTASTIC job of sprucing that place up~ what great changes! I hope your bosses read your blog and appreciate all you do. I am sure you are going "above and beyond" but that don't surprise us one bit now, does it?

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. Thank you Karen, we have been working hard but enjoying it. We also have to thank our student worker, Kevin who has also been working hard to get this park looking so good.


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