The beach at Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Four states in one day!

Yep, we left Ironwood, Michigan yesterday morning and we drove through Wisconsin and Minnesota and ended up in Grand Forks, North Dakota!

Sounds like a lot, but it was only 370 miles (600 kms). Actually, that is a lot for us! Today will be even more!

We've been putting the cruise control on at 55 mph (90 km/h) and just relaxing. The little blue car uses a lot more fuel at speeds higher than that, so we're happy just sitting at that speed even though some of the roads we were on had limits of 60 and 65 mph.

It was really windy yesterday. Fortunately, it was behind us and we had a strong tailwind most of the day! We got great fuel mileage.

Still frozen Lake Superior.

Not a great picture, but I include it here just to show you how windy it was.

Huge welcome center near Ashland, Wisconsin.

Coming in to Duluth, Minnesota. It was raining and windy!

We stopped to get gas in Duluth. I got out of the car and just about froze! We wanna go back to Mexico! Paid $3.499 a gallon, which is about $1.02 CAN per litre.

Uneventful drive in to Grand Forks. We stopped at the Walmart and did some shopping for things we would need this summer that are cheaper here. Only 6.75% sales tax here.

Then we headed over to our couchsurfing host Debra, and met her dog Sammy too! Spent the evening talking about travel and drinking some wine.

Yesterday's drive, 370 miles (600 kms).

Today, we're doing a marathon! Planning on making our way from Grand Forks all the way to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. It's 476 miles (760 kms) so we had better get going!


  1. Sure hope it warms up for you soon. We're struggling here, but it has been sunny at least. Happy Travels!

    1. They're calling for decent weather starting on Wednesday!

  2. safe travels as you head toward your final destination!! I can see why you are travelling through the USA ..gas is mucho cheaper!!

    1. Yup, about 25% cheaper, and actually a slightly shorter distance too!

  3. Your pics bring back great memories of our many trips west along the same route. For whatever reason I never get tired of it! Safe journey.

    1. We just wish we could continue further west. Not this time around though.

  4. What do you do about medical insurance when you are in the States...les

  5. Visiting 4 states in one day is no big deal in the north-east US. But doing the same in the mid-section of the US? That's a feat! Hopefully your long haul today will be easy as pie and you'll just set that cruise control and enjoy the scenery. Love you photos and narrative of what may become a yearly jaunt for the forceable future. Hugs

    1. Thanks Mary-Pat. Looking forward to your visit one day... :-)

  6. Wow 4 states in one day seems like a BIG deal to me. So does 370 miles although not so much in a car. I'm a 55mph girl in whatever vehicle. It really does increase my mpg on them both. wonder when it is going to warm up where you are headed?? We're in for 3 MORE days of RAIN. :-(

    1. Yeah, it's totally different traveling in the car than it is in the motorhome. In the motorhome, we like to stop and explore along the way!

  7. You are making pretty good time and getting some good deals along the way, keep travelling safe.

  8. The weather you're seeing makes me think I should slow my approach to Minnesota. ;)


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