Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Friday, January 15, 2016

A good day with new friends!

Long time blog readers Peter and Shelagh are from Vancouver, Canada but they are renting a house in nearby San Miguel de Allende and we invited them to come visit us here in Queretaro. So yesterday morning, they hopped on a bus and came to say hello!

While they were on the bus, we walked over to the bus station to meet them. But the Queretaro bus station is not that close to downtown...it's actually on the eastern outskirts, so we had a good five km (3 mile) walk to start off our day!

And, it was spitting with rain. Not enough to get that wet, but the weather could have been cooperating a little better.

We had to walk over a pedestrian bridge. The Pan American highway goes right through Queretaro.

We got to the bus station right around 10:20am when Peter and Shelagh were scheduled to arrive and sure enough we found them without a problem. We hopped in a taxi and took a drive to the 280 year old aquaduct which runs for 1.78 kms through the western part of the city.

The aquaduct sits on 72 stone pillars, some as high as 23 meters (76 ft).

Peter, Shelagh, and Ruth at the mirador overlooking the aquaduct.

From there, we headed towards the central area, stopping in at various churches and monuments along the way.

We made it to the Temple of La Merced, which began construction in 1879, but was not fully completed until 2001! The outside is nothing special, but the inside has painted walls that are somewhat unique...

The Temple of La Merced.

By this point we were getting close to the central core and we were all feeling a little hungry. Ruth and I had seen a little place a couple of days ago that was advertising enchiladas and so we all stopped in there for lunch...

Had the girl take a photo, but she didn't get the focus quite right! Peter, Shelagh, Kevin, and Ruth.

Really nice meal, and the final bill was only 35 pesos ($2.90 CAD) each. We love Mexico.

From there, we walked back to the church we had seen the other day with the strange arches. Readers Bill and Carol had mentioned a mural of the last supper, but either it's been moved or we were in the wrong church.

Couldn't find anything saying the name of this church.

This was in a side room that had a closed door. We asked  if we could go in, and were told sure, but don't touch anything!

Tha main part of the church.

Don't forget to look up!

Really good day spent with Peter and Shelagh. We made our way to our hotel to introduce them to Sherman, and we sat and chatted for a while until it was time for them to head back to San Miguel de Allende. Fun to finally meet people that you've talked online with for years!

Since we're heading for San Miguel next week, we look forward to seeing them again there!

Oh, you can view Peter and Shelaghs version of yesterday's events here...

Today, at Amazon.com...

And in Canada, the complete series of Mr. Bean...he's hilarious...


  1. Sounds like a fun day, and always fun to meet blog followers.

    1. It was a great day, even with the uncooperative weather! Hoping to see them again sometime next week!

  2. What fun to meet fellow bloggers/travelers/friends!!! Enjoyed reading what they wrote about your day, too. Looks like a beautiful city - so neat the four of you could enjoy it together. Barry and I often talk about the time you two stayed with us on your way south from Canada thru the USA. You know - even if you meet someone only once in your life and it clicks - you do forever love them!!!! (((Hugs))). Connie & Barry

    1. It is funny how we both have more or less the same day but it is told in two different ways. We had a wonderful time with Peter and Shelagh and look forward to seeing them again soon.

      Yes, we often remember our meeting with you two as well. Hopefully we will meet again maybe even somewhere on the road, that would be nice. Take care you two.

  3. Hi Kevin and Ruth. I haven following your blog since I found a review of Bulungulu in South Africa. We are in Guanajuato right now but we will be gone before you meet here for your RV caravan trip. Heading to San Miguel next week though. Because of your week in Queretara we will fit in 2 days there before heading back to Mexico City to catch our flight to Cuba for a month. Thanks for all your great ideas. Trish and John Dewit

    1. When will you be in San Miguel? If we are there at the same time, perhaps we could meet up. We should be there sometime this coming week as well but only for a few days.

      You will love Queretaro, it really is a pretty city and very easy to walk around and enjoy.

  4. What a beautiful way to spend the day with new friends. I love the "unnamed" church and the Temple.

    1. We had a wonderful day showing them around and seeing new things ourselves. That unnamed church is Santa Rosa de Viterbo and yes, it was beautiful.


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