View from Arneside Knott Viewpoint near Arnside, Cumbria, England.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Albania on June 11th!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The rigs keep coming!

Boy, it's getting busy here at Hacienda Contreras! Another six rigs showed up yesterday. I think I counted nineteen RV's here now! Barb says their record was twenty two at one time so it's getting close. We've never been here when it's been this busy though.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Meeting Tioga George!

What a great day we had yesterday. We went in to town for a parade in the morning, and then we had a good hike with beautiful views in the afternoon.

And, popular internet personalities Ms. Tioga and George showed up at Hacienda Contreras RV Park!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ciudad Juarez

"The most dangerous place in the world outside of a declared war zone." So said a city newspaper back in 2009.

Our route north in early April is going to take us to a Ciudad Juarez border crossing.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Beautiful start to spring!

Looks like not too many people in Canada can say that! Our old home town of Ottawa is cold at -9C, while the prairie provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba are stuck in a deep freeze. Looks like about -23C (-9F) in the city of Price Albert, Saskatchewan. It had better warm up a little over the next month!!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A great visit to the dentist!

What? Who says that??!! Can a visit to the dentist ever be "great"?

Okay, it may not have been great, but it was as good as a dentist visit can be. Pain free, and inexpensive. That's what I look for in a visit to the dentist!

Monday, March 18, 2013

A hike and a new gas station!

There are new Pemex gas stations being built all over Mexico. And they're building one right next door to Hacienda Contreras! We went for a hike yesterday morning to get a bird's eye view of the situation...

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Market day!

We love Saturdays here at Hacienda Contreras. That's because it's market day in the nearby town of Valle de Juarez, so we try and do a weeks worth of grocery shopping all at once. That means stopping at a few different places, including our favorite fruit and veggie guy Martin!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

These boots are made for walking.

And that's just what they'll do. Well, our boots have done quite a bit of walking and I need some new ones!

Friday, March 15, 2013


Our regular readers will remember the excitement, exhaustion, spectacular scenery and great photographs that we experienced during the two Quetzaltrekkers  hiking trips that we did in Guatemala in February. We wanted to tell you a little about the organization itself and the worthwhile cause that they support.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

I knew I shoulda took that left turn at Albuquerque!

We arrived back at Hacienda Contreras RV Park on Sunday, and here it is Thursday morning and we haven't left the gates of the park! I guess we really needed the break. Usually we're antsy to get out and explore and do some hiking. But we have been keeping busy, and with some important stuff!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Time flies when you're having fun!

Yesterday, we got the little blue car unpacked and Sherman sorted out for our three week stay here. I rinsed the roof off and cleaned the solar panels. We went to a one hour Spanish lesson that Barb gives to any of the campers who want to attend. Ruth made a nice roast chicken dinner. And the day just disappeared.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Happy to be back at Hacienda Contreras RV Park!

We were up early yesterday morning with intentions on leaving Puebla at 7:30am. But it was 8:30am when we eventually hit the road and headed out of town for our long drive. We figured that traffic would be light on a Sunday morning, and we were right.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Exploring the City of Puebla

Seems to us that Puebla isn't on the radar of many people who visit Mexico, or many expats who make Mexico their home. After this short visit, we can't figure out why not. It has near perfect weather, it's a very clean and modern city, and from what we saw it doesn't even have any traffic problems. I even drove downtown!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Oaxaca City to Puebla

We were up early yesterday morning to try and get out of Oaxaca City before there was too much traffic, but we still didn't actually hit the road until about 8:10am. It was no problem though and we were soon on a beautiful four lane toll highway heading towards Puebla.