View from Arneside Knott Viewpoint near Arnside, Cumbria, England.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Kirk Smeaton, North Yorkshire, England.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Albania on June 11th!

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Sherman is back to his old self, and we are back on the road!

Parked on the street outside of Atwood Engine Services in Aberdeen, Washington is not the best place we have ever spent the night in the motorhome! In fact, it's probably near the bottom of the scale. I think somebody in Aberdeen could make a killing opening a muffler shop.... there are so many vehicles with loud exhaust!

Despite that, we slept surprisingly well.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Sherman's mechanical repair saga continues...

Yesterday morning at 7:45am (when the sun comes up around here!) I tried to fire up Sherman. I had changed all the spark plugs and plug wires late Sunday afternoon, and hadn't yet tested to see if it did any good.

He fired up fine, and idled fine to warm up. After 10 minutes or so, I put him into gear... moved about five feet, and he promptly sputtered and died. Arrrggghh. Trying to re-fire him immediately didn't do any good.

Monday, October 29, 2018

More mechanic work on a rainy day

We spent the day parked at the Home Depot. Not exactly where we like to spend our free time! But, it would have to do while we try to figure out these mechanical problems.

It rained most of the morning, just like they said it would. But then, it cleared up a bit, which was not in the forecast. When it did that, I seized the opportunity to go for a walk to the auto parts store... again!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

A little frustrated...

We got on the road yesterday morning to try to make it to Aberdeen, Washington... a distance of about 75 miles (120 kms). With Sherman not running properly, we honestly didn't know if we would make it. But the alternative was to call roadside assistance. We figured that if we drove, the worst case scenario would be that we have to call roadside assistance anyhow.

So off we went.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Obviously, there is more to the problem.

We spent the morning waiting for the new spark plug wires to arrive in Forks, Washington.

We walked over to get a few groceries. Pretty expensive! The prices were similar to Canada, except we had to add on 30% for the exchange rate. Yikes.

On the way back, we noticed a laundromat in the building right next door to where we had been parked the last two days. No idea why we hadn't noticed it before, but Ruth went over and got a load of laundry done while I was changing the plug wire.

Friday, October 26, 2018

A little bit of Mexico in Forks, Washington

When we arrived here in Forks, Washington Sherman was sputtering. There was a definite misfiring in the engine. We were still mobile... but you could tell something was not right.

We had to find somewhere to park for a day or two so we could get this problem sorted out.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Made it to Cape Flattery

One of the things we wanted to see here on the Olympic Peninsula was Cape Flattery... the furthest northwest point on mainland U.S.A.

And we made it! Sure glad we didn't attempt this in the middle of summer though. We can only imagine how busy this area is at that time of year. The weather may not be as nice now... but it sure is better that there's hardly any people around!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

When you visit a rainforest... have to expect that it's going to rain!

We were actually pretty lucky yesterday though. The forecast wasn't great, and they're calling for showers on and off for the next week or so. Of course... the Olympic Peninsula gets a lot of rain.

First stop was a hike up to Marymere Falls.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Not the smoothest day, but it did have some high points too!

Slept fine at the 7 Cedars Casino. The fog looked like it was clearing, so we decided to go for a bike ride on the Olympic Discovery Trail located on the other side of the highway from the casino.

I got the bikes down off the rack... and Ruth's front tire was totally flat!

This actually didn't surprise me. When we bought the bike used, we knew the front tire sidewalls were badly cracked and the bike shop had given us two new tires as part of the deal. And I was going to install new tubes at the same time.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Lots to see once the fog cleared up!

Lots of photos from our day yesterday!

We said goodbye to Randy and Marilyn. Might be a while before we see them again! They always go to the Baja, and we will be doing mainland Mexico and the east coast for the next while. And we have no plans to come back to this area in the foreseeable future. Too bad, because we had lots of laughs. But, we're glad we were able to get together again. Thanks for the hospitality!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Fastest border crossing ever!

Well, we are back in the U.S. of A.

It's always interesting crossing a border. You never quite know what's going to happen. Are they going to inspect your RV? Are they going to pull you in for further questioning? Will they take away any food? Will you answer all their questions properly?

We've crossed a lot of borders... this was one of the easiest ones ever!

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Last day in Canada, and a European RV for sale

Well, our time here in Southwest British Columbia is up! We're back on the road as of today, and heading across the border into the state of Washington. We're going to stay with friends in Bellingham for a night. I made our ferry reservation for Sunday after lunch to get across to the Olympic Peninsula from south of Bellingham.

We will meander our way around the Olympic Peninsula, and then head south along the coast and into Oregon.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Busy day visiting

Nice day here in southwestern British Columbia. Mostly clear skies, a little hazy, no wind, and highs of about 18C (65F). Not too shabby at all for mid October.

After breakfast, blog reader Shirley stopped by with her partner Richard. Shirley has been a regular reader of this blog since around the time we won a trip to Namibia.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Happy to be back in the motorhome!

Woke up to a chilly morning yesterday in Hamilton, Ontario. Breezy, overcast, and drizzly. Calling for highs of about 8C (46F). Nice day to be heading back to the west!

First thing we had to do was return the rental car. before 8:30am We drove out to the Avis location near the airport at 8:00am, dropped it off, and covered the bill. Hassle free. Total was $549 CAD ($425 USD). Not bad for a three week rental.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

If we were in the motorhome, that would have been a three day drive!

Long drive today as we made our way from Galetta (near Ottawa) to Ruth's sister's place in Hamilton, Ontario.

We decided to take the back route, which we would probably do again despite the fact the it took about two hours longer than if we had taken the main highway. Really nice scenery, and not much traffic.