View from Arneside Knott Viewpoint near Arnside, Cumbria, England.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Albania on June 11th!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

And now I have two!

Clean up continues here at the park. We're definitely ahead of where we were last year at this time, although the rain on Monday and Tuesday was a small set back. Still, we'll be ready for campers next weekend.

Only thing that hasn't come together yet is our water. Even with the rain, the lake level has only risen about a half a foot in the last two weeks, and even though it will continue to rise it won't likely come to a decent level for another month yet.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Good news for international travelers!

It was announced the other day that Google Translate would be available offline for the iPhone platform starting immediately. For those of us who travel to countries where they don't speak English, this is fantastic news!

In fact, I already went to the "app store" and downloaded the necessary files.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

I was wrong!

So, we had two solid days of rain on Monday and Tuesday. In fact, our rain gauge outside says that we got two and a half inches, so that was a much needed soaking for our grass.

The only problem with that much rain is that the roads around here turn to mud. They're like concrete when they're dry, but they're like mush when they're wet!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

How to find great boondocking campsites

We were asked several times over the winter how we find great boondocking campsites. And it's not a short explanation, so we put off answering the question until we had time to write a complete blog post about it.

Boondocking. To us, the term means camping away from it all without any services. As in "out in the boondocks". It does not mean parking overnight at Walmart. That is most certainly not boondocking. It's simply parking overnight at Walmart.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


A steady rain fell throughout the day yesterday. Great for our grass, and great for the local farmers, many of whom had just finished seeding. And we had just had a fire ban instituted, so there's no reason that won't be removed. Raining again today, but it's supposed to clear up by Wednesday morning.

We don't take many days off while we're here at the park. There's always something that needs doing. But when it rains like that, it's an indoor kind of a day!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Planning for next winter!

We know that we are going to be in southern Spain completing our motorhome exchange deal in January and February of 2017. And that we plan to visit Morocco and Algeria in March and April of 2017.

And, we plan to be in Ottawa with our families for much of October and also at Christmas of this year.

But we still have approximately two months of travel to fill up between October 25 or so and Christmas.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

A moose on the loose!

I spent yesterday morning hooking up the line to get some water to the park. It's about 200 yards worth of 2" tubing, so I had to splice a few of them together to get that distance. Got that much done, and today I'll hopefully get it up and running. We want to get some water on the grass (and to the bathrooms), although they are actually calling for a half an inch of rain tomorrow, so hopefully they're right.

We had a few visitors yesterday! Wendy and Phil are long time RV'ers and blog readers who live in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and they came to visit for the weekend. They didn't bring their RV though, so they're couchsurfing with us.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Spring cleanup is a little easier this year...

It's been a few days since we've given you an update on our activities here at the park. Canada's May long weekend is the typical time of year for most campgrounds to open, and so we're in full "clean up" mode getting the park ready for it's May 20th opening.

And, quite a few things have made our job a little easier so far this year compared to last year!

Friday, May 6, 2016

A neat product, but...

As wireless technology continues to improve, manufacturers are coming out with some innovative products. Over the last couple of years, one of the neat things is wireless tire pressure monitoring systems.

I'm a stickler for checking my tire pressure, both on the motorhome and the car. It's important to have the proper tire pressure, and I learned from my years in the automotive business that many people don't check their tire pressure often enough. With the proper pressure, your tires last longer, you get better gas mileage and ride quality, and it's safer.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

April Expenses

April was a pretty expensive month for us, but mostly because of the amount of fuel we used getting from Southern California up to Canada.

We spent a total of $2,523 CAD ($1,892 USD) for the month.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

How much do we spend on a winter away?

This post was going to be our April expense report. But I figured it would be much more useful to detail how much we spent, and on what...during our entire 7 months away. (I'll do a separate post about April later today.)

Our regular readers know what we did all winter, but for the benefit of anybody new here, let me refresh your memories with the highlights...

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

These will be great for travel in the motorhome...

Well, the muscles got their second work out of the season yesterday as we cleaned up most of the fallen branches from the day use area. It does seem to be going a little faster than last year though because there aren't as many leaves around.

Although we get a lot of leg and aerobic exercise from the hiking we do over the winter, our upper body muscles don't get much exercise at all over the winter. Before RV'ing came into our lives we both used to do a lot of gym workouts, and even had a nice home gym at our house. Ruth even worked at a gym for quite a while.

Monday, May 2, 2016

And then there were two...

Ruth mostly worked on the house yesterday. The rain gutters needed cleaning, so she actually got up on the roof and did that. There's not much of a slope, so not really just have to be careful. And she trimmed back some branches while up there.

And, she cleaned all of the windows. They tend to only get done once a year, so they needed it!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Another neat gadget

There is nobody around who hasn't at some point needed to have their car battery boosted. Not that long ago, it used to be that you needed a good quality set of booster cables. Then, they came out with those portable booster battery packs, but they were fairly big and heavy.

Now, with the new lithium battery technology, a very small battery packs a powerful punch.

Back at the park!

So, we're back at Cabri Regional Park. This will be our third summer here as park managers. The first year that we arrived there were no leaves on the trees. Last year, things were a little greener. But this year, spring has arrived early.

In fact, it looks like we're heading straight in to summer and might be bypassing spring completely!