
Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Top 4 Places for Digital Nomads to Live in Post-COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live and work. For many of us, working from home has become the new normal. And for some of us, that's not such a bad thing. 

If you've been itching to get out of the city and set up shop in a more peaceful, remote location, now is the time to do it. Check out our list of the top 7 places for digital nomads to live post-COVID.

Todos Santos, Mexico

If you're looking for a place to recharge your batteries and jumpstart your productivity, look no further than Todos Santos, Mexico. But what makes Todos Santos one of the top destinations for digital nomads? The weather is perfect. With an average temperature of 24 degrees Celsius, you'll never have to deal with the snow or cold winters that can make working from home so unpleasant. The cost of living is very reasonable compared to other popular digital nomad destinations like Bali or Chiang Mai. You can easily find a comfortable place to stay for less than €1000 per month. 

Lisbon, Portugal

When finding the perfect place to live as a digital nomad, there are many factors to consider, however, Lisbon, Portugal, ticks all the boxes. The city is renowned for its laid-back lifestyle and Mediterranean climate. This makes it an ideal place to live and work, especially when compared to hectic city living. Lisbon has a strong infrastructure for digital nomads, with good internet connectivity and a thriving co-working scene. 

Prague, Czech Republic 

Prague has a lot to offer digital nomads. For starters, it's an incredibly affordable city. You can easily find a comfortable apartment for under €500 per month, and the cost of living is generally quite low. Prague is also an extremely convenient city, with a good public transportation system and plenty of co-working spaces and cafes. Moreover, the city is very safe, which is always a top priority for digital nomads. And of course, Prague is an absolutely beautiful city, with tons of history and culture to explore.

Florence, Italy

Florence, Italy, has long been a haven for artists, writers, and other creative types. In recent years, it has also become increasingly popular with digital nomads, and it's not hard to see why. The city is incredibly picturesque, with narrow streets lined with medieval buildings and Renaissance art adorning every corner. It's also relatively small, making it easy to get around on foot or by bike. Plus, Florence offers a unique blend of culture and history. After spending a few days exploring the city's museums and churches, you can take a day trip to nearby towns such as Sienna or Pisa. Of course, let's not forget the food. Florence is home to some of the best restaurants in Italy, so you're sure to find something to suit your taste.

Final thoughts

There you have it, our top four places for digital nomads to live in post-COVID. So what are you waiting for? Start packing your bags and get ready to enjoy the best that these cities have to offer.