
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Herkimer, NY

Sunday April 27

We drove down to Herkimer, NY today. We took the route through the back roads, so it took us about 2 hours and 10 minutes to get there, even though it was only about 90 miles. Had to buy some more gas though, and it is up to $3.76 US a gallon. Still, this equates to about $1.03 CAN per litre, so in perspective, it’s not that bad. I guess.

Once again, Alex’s team lost both games. They’ve had a bad run lately…and it certainly doesn’t help that they’ve been playing some of the top teams in the league. But I think they’ve lost something like 6 in a row…so that’s not good.

Our dog Whiskey, has become somewhat of a celebrity at these games. I guess because she’s been coming to Alex’s baseball games since she was a puppy (12 years ago), she’s gotten into the habit of barking whenever there’s cheering going on. And, she also barks at the “ping” of the bat whenever someone gets a hit. It’s really only in the last 2 years or so that she’s started doing this, but it really attracts a lot of attention from the spectators who have never seen this before. It’s really kind of funny. We’re going to have to get her on Letterman or something.

It was a sunny day, but a little cool. High of about 60F (15C) or so.

We’re parked up this evening at the Herkimer Walmart. Did some grocery shopping and took Whiskey for a walk around the neighbourhood.

Total Nights Sleeping in the RV…191

April Fuel $ 579.81

April Grocery $ 443.98

April Overnight Costs $102.33

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